Domain level disclaimer support 

Dukungan disclaimer level domain 

Reference: https://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=41872

In ZCS8.0 and previous, ZCS only supported having a single, global disclaimer that was attached to all emails, regardless of the number of domains on the installation.

Starting with ZCS 8.5, we now allow per-domain global disclaimers. This meets critical needs of our hosting providers to allow different disclaimers based on the domains they have on their systems.

See – ZCS 8.5 Admin Guide > Enabling Support for Domain Disclaimers

Upgrade considerations

To handle the change from global to domain specific disclaimers, when a system is upgraded, the global disclaimer will be attached to all existing domains in the installation. This way there is no change in behavior post-upgrade. Once the upgrade is complete, the client can modify the new domain level disclaimers as they see fit. There is no option any longer to have a global disclaimer.

Enabling disclaimer support

This enables the use of disclaimers *at all*. If this is not done, no disclaimers will be attached to emails, regardless of whether or not a domain has a disclaimer associated with it. I.e., it is the global on/off switch

zmprov mcf zimbraDomainMandatoryMailSignatureEnabled TRUE

Adding a disclaimer to a domain

Adding disclaimers to a domain takes multiple steps. The first step is to add the disclaimer text into the LDAP server:

zmprov md example.com zimbraAmavisDomainDisclaimerText “text disclamer”   zimbraAmavisDomainDisclaimerHTML “HTML disclaimer”

After the disclaimer text is added to the LDAP server, disclaimers for the specific domain must be enabled, and then all MTAs updated to grab the disclaimer text.

On the first MTA, as the zimbra user:

./libexec/zmaltermimeconfig -e example.com

On all additional MTAs:


To remove a disclaimer from a domain

Removing a disclaimer for a domain that currently has it enabled takes multiple steps.

On the first MTA, as the Zimbra user:

./libexec/zmaltermimeconfig -d <domain>

On all additional MTAs:


Completely disable the disclaimer feature

It is possible to completely remove support for disclaimers by setting the related attribute to FALSE

zmprov mcf zimbraDomainMandatoryMailSignatureEnabled FALSE

Disable disclaimers for intra-domain emails

Disable disclaimers untuk email dari internal domain

Reference: https://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=44061

Starting with ZCS 8.5, it is now possible to make it so that emails between individuals in the same domain do not have the disclaimer attached. This is done via the zimbraAmavisOutboundDisclaimersOnly attribute.

To preserve backwards compatibility it defaults to FALSE.